Amwork + ApiX-Drive Integration Manual: Outbound & Inbound

Set up Amwork integration with ApiX-Drive to automate processes. Learn how to send data from Amwork (Outbound) and receive data in Amwork (Inbound) using Webhooks and API. Step-by-step setup guide.

Amwork + ApiX-Drive Outbound Integration Manual

Automate processes using ApiX-Drive with Amwork Integration. With Outbound (Webhook) integration you are able to send data from Amwork to any other ApiX-Drive service. Follow this manual step-by-step to set up an integration.

Step 1: Create an ApiX-Drive Account

  1. Visit ApiX-Drive and sign up for a free account. If you already have an account, log in.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the interface, which allows you to create “connections” (automation workflows).

Step 2: Set up Data Source

  1. Click on the “Create Connection” button to create a new connection. 

Select “Webhooks (source)” as your data source system and click “Continue”.

3. Select “Get DATA” as your action trigger and click “Continue”.

4. Click on the “Connect” button, give any name to the connection, and then click Continue.

5. On the next step you will see a Webhook URL. Save it for later purposes.

6. Finish your setup as needed.

Step 3: Connect Webhook to Amwork

  1. In your Amwork account go to your module and click on the “Automation” tab.

Automation Tab

2. Choose any stage and create a new automation with the type “HTTP Request”.

3. Choose a trigger and conditions based on your automation requirements.

4. Paste your saved ApiX-Drive Webhook URL in the URL field of automation setup.

Webhook URL

5. Select “POST” method. Do not append any headers or parameters. Enable and save the automation.

Congratulations! You have set up the outbound automation. Next, set up your data destination in ApiX-Drive based on your requirements.


Amwork + ApiX-Drive Inbound Integration Manual

Automate processes using ApiX-Drive with Amwork Integration. With Inbound (API Call) integration you are able to send data from any ApiX-Drive service to Amwork. Follow this manual step-by-step to set up an integration.

Step 1: Create an ApiX-Drive Account

  1. Visit ApiX-Drive and sign up for a free account. If you already have an account, log in.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the interface, which allows you to create “connections” (automation workflows).

Step 2: Set up Data Source

  1. Click on the “Create Connection” button to create a new connection. 

  2. Configure data source based on your requirements. This data will be sent to Amwork.

Step 3: Set up Data Destination

1. Select “Webhooks” as your data destination system and click “Continue”.

Send Data

2. Select “Send Data (Custom)” as your action and click “Continue” 

3. This action does not require access configuration, so just click “Continue” on the next step.

4. Choose a suitable API endpoint in this documentation — For example, if you need to create a card, look for /api/crm/entities/simple. Take a path and append it to your Amwork base URL, like this:

Editing Settings

5. Paste your endpoint URL to the ApiX-Drive URL field.

6. Select the method as it described in the documentation. For example, for creating a card, the method is POST.

7. Go to Amwork Account Settings → API Access. Add a new authorization token and save it.

8. In ApiX-Drive, choose Authorization Bearer, and paste in your authorization token.


9. In the headers field, add your API key from settings: X-Api-Key: your-api-key.


10. Add a new header and paste there this value: Content-Type: application/json.

11. Fill in the body of the request. You can find an example of the body in the API documentation. Body should be in JSON format.

12. Finish and test your setup.

Congratulations! You have set up the inbound automation. Remember that ApiX-Drive can take some time to process automation, so it won’t be instant.


Matteo Bianchi

Matteo Bianchi


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