Adding Users and Managing User Permissions in Amwork

Learn how to add users and configure access rights in Amwork. Set permissions for tasks, activities, and modules, manage user groups and subgroups, and reassign responsibilities when removing a user.

How to Add a User and Set Up Access Rights in Amwork

To add a user, go to the main settings in the left menu, then navigate to “Users – Settings” and click the ”+ Add User” button in the upper right corner.

Add User

Fill in the user's details (email, phone number, password) and configure their access rights. You can set permissions separately for the tasks and activities section, as well as for each module created in Amwork.

For all sections except those used for creating product, service, and order cards, permissions can be assigned at three levels:

  • Responsible user
  • Group
  • Subgroup

If the “Allowed” option is selected, the user will have full access to view and edit all elements.
Checking the “Administrator” box in the user's profile grants them unlimited access to manage and configure the Amwork account.

Permission Levels in Amwork

  • Responsible User Permissions: The user will only see the tasks, activities, and cards where they are the owner or responsible person.
  • Subgroup Permissions: The user will see tasks, activities, and cards assigned to their subgroup.
  • Group Permissions: Users within the same group will see tasks, activities, and cards assigned to their group, as well as those of their subgroups.

Setting Up Groups and Subgroups

First, create groups and subgroups in the “Groups” section of the settings. Then, assign the appropriate group or subgroup to each user in their profile settings. To delete a group or subgroup, click the trash bin icon.


Working Hours Settings

The working hours setting for groups applies to the calendar view for scheduling purposes, specifically using the “display time on top” option.

How to Remove a User from Amwork


Remove User

To delete a user from the system:

  1. Click the “Delete” button next to their name.
  2. Select a new responsible user to reassign all tasks and cards where the deleted user was previously responsible.
Olivia Martinez

Olivia Martinez


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