How to Navigate the 'Deals and Leads' Section in Amwork

How to Navigate the 'Deals and Leads' Section in Amwork

How to Work in the “Deals and Leads” Section


The structure of Deal and Lead cards is nearly identical, differing only in the stage of progression through the sales pipeline.

Leads can be in the stages of “Inquiry Received” and “Qualified”/“Unqualified.” The remaining stages in the pipeline pertain to Deals.

 Stages of Leads:

  1. Inquiry Received: This is the initial stage where the lead is first captured.

  2. Qualified: The lead has been assessed and deemed to have potential for conversion.

  3. Unqualified: The lead has been assessed and deemed not likely to convert.

Stages of Deals:

Deals move through the following stages after a lead is qualified:

  1. Qualified Lead (light green): The lead has been qualified and is ready to move forward in the sales process.

  2. Contact Made (yellow): Initial contact has been established with the lead.

  3. Proposal Made (red): A formal proposal has been made to the lead.

  4. Objections Identified (purple): The lead's objections have been identified and are being addressed.

  5. Invoice Sent (blue): An invoice has been sent to the lead.

  6. Closed Won (bright green): The deal has been successfully closed.

  7. Closed Lost (bright red): The deal did not close successfully.

1. 2 How to Create a New Lead or Deal

You can open the interface for working with Deal and Lead cards by clicking the ”+” sign in the upper right corner (to create a new card) or by clicking on any of the existing cards.

At the top of the card, the current stage and other stages in the pipeline/board are displayed.


By clicking on the identification number of the card, you can change its name.

Card Name

To delete a card, click on the three dots and then select “Delete entity.”

1.3 Card Field Configuration

You can group fields which can be customized by clicking the “customize” button. within a card and navigate between them by switching between tabs (groups).

By clicking the “customize” button in the card, you can create, edit, and delete fields.

Customize Fields

By clicking on the “text” field, you can select the field type from the list. Available field types include:


Text: A standard text field.

Multiline Text: Text arranged in multiple lines.

Dropdown List: A list of options with a single selection.

Multiple Choice List: A list of options allowing multiple selections.

Toggle Switch: (yes/no).

Number: A field for entering numbers.

Formula: A field for entering and creating formulas for calculations.

Phone: A field for entering a phone number.

Email: A field for entering an email address.

Budget: A field for entering an amount or budget.

Date: A field for entering a date.

Link: A field for entering a URL.

Participants: A field for entering participants from the list of users in the system.

Colored Dropdown List: A list with colored values for a single selection.

Colored Multiple Choice List: A list with colored options for multiple selections.

File field for uploading files


Created fields can be rearranged by clicking and dragging the six dots located to the left of the field.

swap places

The settings icon next to each field allows for individual configurations such as the importance of the field, making the field mandatory from a certain stage in the pipeline, restricting field editing for certain users, hiding the field visibility for some users, and hiding the field for specific stages or pipelines.

Mandatory Field


The “Owner” field indicates the card owner (e.g., the person responsible for managing the client). Clicking on the current owner opens a dropdown menu with a list of users, allowing you to change the owner. 

The “Files” tab also allows you to upload and display added files.


In the “Value” field (budget field), the deal amount is entered. This field also automatically pulls in the order amount from the created order. The amounts from all current orders are summed up, and if an order is canceled or deleted, the amount is subtracted and recalculated. Additionally, this field can be configured as a formula for calculating the total amount.

Formula Field
Formula Field 2

1.4 How to Attach/Link a Card from Another Section (Contact, Company, Project, etc.)

To add information about a contact person/company, click “Add Client Contact.” A tab with fields for entering information will expand. By clicking the ”+” button, you can add an additional phone number or email. Data is saved by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen.

Cards Re

When adding a related card, start typing the desired name of the contact card, and the search will display options based on the content.

Contacts Rel

This works similarly with other related cards. Similarly, you can add a related project card by first selecting the status and owner.

A related card can be unlinked by clicking the three dots on the right.

Unpin Card

Related cards can be rearranged by clicking and dragging the six dots on the left.

Change Place

 1.5 How to Assign a Task

Tasks are assigned through the top menu on the right side of the card by clicking the “Task” button


In the task window that opens, enter the necessary information: task name, estimated time for task completion, task owner, start date and end date, description, subtasks, file attachments, and board name (if the board name is not specified, the task will automatically be added to the system task board). After entering the information, click the “Save” button. Use the fine settings in the task window to hide the board name or subtasks. If needed, you can set up recurring tasks and specify a time interval for them—daily, weekly, or monthly.

Task Window

After saving, you will see your task on the right side in the card feed. If necessary, you can click the three dots to edit or delete the task.

Edit Task

Mark the task as completed by checking the box in the upper left corner.

Done Task

1.6 How to Assign an Activity

Activities are quick templated tasks for sales teams. 

In the right menu, under the “Activities” tab, you can schedule activities for this deal card. You can either select an activity from the list of existing activities or create and add a new activity with a custom name. For each activity, you can assign a responsible person, set a start date,description and specify the duration within which the activity should be completed. For example, all day duration. After entering all the necessary information, click the “Save” button.


1.7 Types of boards

All created activities go to the activity board

Board Activ

The Time Board aggregates all tasks and activities from across the system and organizes them into columns such as overdue,tasks for today,  tasks for tomorrow, upcoming tasks, completed tasks, and tasks without deadlines.

The Task Board collects all tasks from all sections of the system except for the “Projects” section. The Projects section has its own board where tasks from projects are gathered.

Additionally, you can create your own personal task board and grant other users access to the tasks on this board.

Task Board

Additionally, you can create your own personal task board and grant access to tasks on this board to other users using the “share” button.

In the Task Board, quicker task addition is done through the “plus” sign, while standard task addition is done through the “add” button.

Share Personal Board

Both the Task Board and the Project Board have a task calendar and a Gantt chart.

The calendar has several view options: “Agenda” and time scale, day, week, month. Tasks in the calendar can be filtered by the responsible person and by task status. You can choose to display all tasks or pending tasks, and you can search for tasks by related deal/project and  cards.

Task Calendar

1.8  How to write a note

In the right menu, under the “Notes” tab, write and edit the note text. After making the entry, click the “Save” button. Once the note is saved, it displays information about the author and the creation date.


1.9 Amwork Messenger

By clicking on the Amwork Messenger icon, a chat window for discussions related to the associated card will automatically open. In the chat, you can add and remove users and search for chats by content words or title. Clicking on the pencil icon allows you to create a new group chat and add desired users to it. To delete a chat, click on the three dots to the right of the chat participants' avatars.


Using WhatsApp Integration

By clicking on the WhatsApp icon next to the phone number, a chat will open where you can communicate with the client via WhatsApp.


For instructions on connecting WhatsApp using the Twilio service, read here — .

For instructions on connecting WhatsApp and Instagram using the Wazzup service, read here — 

To send an email, click on the “envelope” icon next to the email address. In the open message window, enter the necessary information for sending the email. If multiple email accounts are connected to Amwork, select the sender email address from which the email will be sent. For instructions on how to connect an email account to Amwork, read here

To make a call, click on the phone icon next to the phone number. The system will start the phone session. You can find information on setting up and configuring telephony in the main Amwork settings under the “Calls” → “Account” section.


Emily Johnson

Emily Johnson


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